‘Shayya’ is a bedroll for anyone who needs a mattress including First-Line Treatment Centres (FLTC), shelter homes, or homeless to use as beds. These bedrolls are created from the scrap that accumulates while making Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that would otherwise be thrown out as garbage. And unlike regular mattresses used in FLTC, Shayya is very easy to disinfect. The PPE Shayya is lightweight at only 2.5-5kg.
Just like a mat in appearance, the ‘Shayya’ is suitable for one person to comfortably lie on. It is made by braiding the leftover pieces collected from tailoring units that produce PPE in Kerala. After making braids from the pieces by hand, these are joined together in a similar fashion of a cloth mat. 35 meters of such braids will be required to create one bedroll.
“Through some of my friends, I got to know that units making PPE are struggling to dispose of the waste generated. It is during this time that officials of Amballur panchayat approached me, asking if we can supply some beds to the FLTCs. I was already in the process of making bedrolls with cloth at that time, but then this idea of making similar bedrolls using PPE scrap struck me and it has now become fruitful”
Taken from a media article here.
‘Shayya’ started off as a free bedroll for the needy and the belief that everyone deserves a good night’s sleep. Shayya is crowdsourced and made of tailoring scrap and old clothes that are clean and hygenic. Also, a creative, productive, and noble activity to spend your time wisely with your family during these long hours at home.
Stay safe friends!